Tagged: storage


Fast, Furious, 4K

The More Intense the Content, the More Important the Storage “This will decimate all, after you put about fifteen grand in it or more. If we have to, overnight parts from Japan.” – Jesse,...


Your Hiding Place in the Cloud

    The Best Cloud is a Personal Private Cloud               “The other five hundred and eighty-eight million turned into your dark seekers, and then they got hungry and fed on everybody. Everybody!...


Squeezing Profit from Every Video Frame

Entertain Me “It’s a strange profession you have. You take people’s lives, make lies out of them.” – Fletcher, “The Final Cut,” Lion Gate, 2004 Today, it’s not just producing eye-popping content, it’s monetizing...


SSD … More Stuff than You Can Afford to Carry

Flashy Storage “Have it reconfigure the shell metals. Use the gold titanium alloy from the seraphim tactical satellite. That should ensure a fuselage integrity while while maintaining power-to-weight ratio.” – “Iron Man,” Paramount, 2008...


BYOD is Bad for IT, Great for Bad Folks

The following is by G. A . “Andy” Marken, President of Marken Communications Inc. He has kindly given us permission to republish his thought-provoking article. As with everything that we publish at AlienBabelTech, the...